Welcome to Wonderhell

If you’re the kind of woman who is Up to Something, you have or soon will experience the confusing joy of Wonderhell. As poignantly illustrated by Laura Gassner Otting (LGO), Wonderhell is the moment where you achieve a level of success that brings on a new, uncomfortable sensation: the burden of your own potential.

Written in the motif of an amusement park adventure, LGO’s new book guides you through these phases of discomfort and helps to develop the resilience you need to withstand things like the fun mirrors that distort your view of yourself, to the tunnel of love where it may be time to cast aside the people who make the ride more difficult for you (you know how we harp on about boundaries around here).

I particularly felt the above quote about crisis, however, because it was during my own health meltdown that the mission for Imperia crystallized. When all else is stripped away, and you need to focus on getting through the coming day, it’s impossible not to notice what truly matters. Sometimes the answers are very unexpected, and require you to become a person you’ve never met before.   

We know the value of LGO’s coaching, as she spent time with us in the early days of Imperia to talk to our first cohort, and was a sounding board for our initial ideas. Having LGO as a coach, even if in your pocket via this book, is invaluable to your growth as a founder, CEO, and human being.

The more you can be prepared for Wonderhell, the more your success can be something to enjoy and savor, because we’ve run enough of a gauntlet just to get there.

Get your copy of Wonderhell here.


Wednesday Wisdom takes a deeper dive into the core concepts of IMPERIA’s work, helping to strengthen you from the inside out as you scale your vision.

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