2023: The Year of the Rabbit

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 

While the origin of this rabbit proverb has been debated, from Confucius to Russian, Albanian, Greek and Latin origins, we’re looking at it from the perspective of this new Year of the Rabbit, which also happens to fall into (and be a perfect fit for) this month’s theme of alignment.

When we are trying to go in too many directions at once, our energy becomes inefficiently dispersed. It makes us distracted, which leads to slow progress on all fronts and a lot of stress. But if everything is brought into alignment in pursuit of a singular, clear path, you can create exponential results. 

So think about what path you want to be on — what’s the most important piece of what you have in front of you? Design all your efforts to go in that direction, and whatever doesn’t fit, put it aside for now or throw it away. If you could use a tool to help yourself figure out the path, we love Gary Keller and Jay Papasan’s The ONE Thing for this.

The Year of the Rabbit is a harbinger for peace and taking a breath — let’s be guided by that ideal and re-focus our energies so our own inner peace has space to grow and be nourished.


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